How to use ListenUp&Push
The following screen appears when you launch.
When the button is pressed, the 440Hz reference tone is heard,,please adjust the volume.
Next, When you press the start button, after the 3 count, large button
will appear.
When you hear the sound, while you hear, please press and hold the button.
Six frequency sounds, It will be in a random order, at random in 60 seconds.
The color of this bar changes every 10 seconds.
Sound it should hear 3 seconds somewhere in that 10 seconds.
After one minute, the timing at which the button was pressed and the timing of the sound heard will be shown in the graph. And also displays scores and estimated age.
6000 points is a perfect score.
There is a quick challenge mode for those who one minute is too long.
When you press the button under 60, under 52, under 46, under 39, under 32, under 25,Respectively, the sound of 10kHz, 12kHz, 13kHz, 14kHz, 15kHz, 16kHz, 17kHz is sound for 3 seconds.
After 10 seconds, app displays a graph and score. On a scale of 1000, more than 800 passes.
“sound really out?” Some people might complain like this.
For such a person, I have prepared a sound detection mode.
iPhone borrow another one from someone, please install this app.
When you press “Sound det.”button, the dog lay screen appears.
When the dog detects the sound, the dog got up and move for 3 seconds.
Speaker and microphone, to be in a straight line, please put a little away. (Within 20cm)
When viewed from the front, the bottom left is microphone, bottom right is the speaker(iPhone4&iPhone5. However,iPhone3s are reversed.)
*You could make a high score is possible by using this method.
However, the gentleman does not use this method.
This app displays the ad at the top of the screen.
Even after you click on an ad, you will be able to close the ad and come back to the original screen.
#The copyright of the image of the dog that was used in this App “” owns.